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Matthew's Creative Coding Blog: micro:bit

Love always wins.

With the project I made for the micro:bit, I decided to implement something more positive based, especially considering the times we are in. It never hurts to tell someone you love them; In fact, others love hear it, and it could put a complete spin on the way they go about their day and, for some, their lives. It was relatively easy to come up with the idea because it is where my heart lies and can be relatable to some many others.

The first step of my project was to create an animation that exemplified the exact premise of my mission. Block by block, I used the 5x5 led board to make a heart come to life. Starting with the two center blocks, I started to base the icon around them. I guess the point is that love starts somewhere and it's between one thing and another. Hence, I used two blocks to start the heart and let it carry on from that point until it was fully formed. Between each step, I placed a 1000ms (second) pause to show that love is taken step by step, sometimes slow, other times quick.

The second step of the process was to insert a scrolling word. I put it simply, "Love others." I figured it was short, simple, and sweet. It certainly can get a message across. I would later place the scrolling word before the animation to portray what is to come next. Again, a 1000ms marker is placed between the animation and the word to give others time to recognize what is being said and shown.

Lastly, I would deconstruct the heart to give purpose to the A, B, and A+B button press. When pressing A, you will witness one half of the heart. While when you press B, you will see the other. However, when being pressed together (A+B), the heart is fully formed again, to one.

It takes two to tango. Send love to others. Be kind, loving, and forgiving.

The link to the code is given below:

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